APPLY IN 3 EASY STEPS Follow these simple steps to participate in this year's cycle

Register your organization or high school in the Prize portal

Fill out the form for your category

Submit your application

Read FAQs
WHAT IS YOUR CATEGORY Explore the eligibility requirements for the six categories to find the right one for you.


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA This category recognises organisations that can demonstrate innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability solutions in the areas of health that include, but are not limited to:
  • Ensuring access to essential and affordable healthcare
  • Improving maternal and newborn health
  • Tackling epidemics (AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis etc.)
  • Preventing and treating waterborne, communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • Reducing illness from pollution, hazardous chemicals, and contamination
Organisations must also demonstrate a clear vision and long-term plan to further deploy their solution and scale up their impact, as well as inspiring others to follow suit by advancing sustainable and human development.

PRIZE FUND 1,000,000 US Dollar


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA This category recognises organisations that can demonstrate innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability solutions in the areas of food that include, but are not limited to:
  • Decreasing hunger and malnutrition
  • Increasing agricultural or other food processing productivity
  • Ensuring sustainability of food systems
  • Enhancing sustainable food production
Organisations must also demonstrate a clear vision and long-term plan to further deploy their solution and scale up their impact, as well as inspiring others to follow suit by advancing sustainable and human development.

PRIZE FUND 1,000,000 US Dollar


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA This category recognises organisations that can demonstrate innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability solutions in the areas of energy that include, but are not limited to:
  • Ensuring access to affordable and reliable clean energy
  • Increasing production of clean energy
  • Improving energy efficiency and energy infrastructure
  • Implementing clean energy technology innovations
Organisations must also demonstrate a clear vision and long-term plan to further deploy their solution and scale up their impact, as well as inspiring others to follow suit by advancing sustainable and human development.

PRIZE FUND 1,000,000 US Dollar


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA This category recognises organisations that can demonstrate innovative, impactful and inspirational sustainability solutions in the areas of water that include, but are not limited to:
  • Ensuring access to safe and affordable drinking water
  • Ensuring access to sanitation and hygiene
  • Increasing water use efficiency
Organisations must also demonstrate a clear vision and long-term plan to further deploy their solution and scale up their impact, as well as inspiring others to follow suit by advancing sustainable and human development.
PRIZE FUND 1,000,000 US Dollar

Climate Action

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA This category recognises organisations that have demonstrated impactful, innovative and inspiring sustainability solutions in the areas of climate action that include, but are not limited to:
  • Building climate adaptation and resilience
  • Implementing sustainable land use and environmental conservation
  • Developing nature-based solutions for conserving/restoring ecosystems and natural resources
  • Utilising carbon capture, usage and storage
Organisations must also demonstrate a clear vision and long-term plan to further deploy their solution and scale up their impact, as well as inspiring others to follow suit by advancing sustainable and human development.

PRIZE FUND 1,000,000 US Dollar

Global High Schools


The Global High Schools category recognises high schools or secondary schools, from six global geographic regions that propose innovative, impactful, and inspirational sustainability projects in the areas of health, food, energy, and/or water. The proposed project could be in one area (e.g. water) or a combination of areas (e.g. energy, water, food, and health).

The Prize is intended to encourage students to develop and implement their sustainability ideas and is not aimed at administrative projects or educational reforms at the school.

PRIZE FUND 900,000 US Dollar
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